• 1 day at the time…

    Sigh… Why did I plan ahead a whole week? I know it doesn’t work well for me. I KNOW I have to take things 1 day at the time when it comes to planning weightloss and such. To no surprise to anyone, I guess, it has not gone very well…

  • my plan for next week, week 8

    my plan for next week, week 8

    Ok, I need a plan. I have to plan. How do I plan? Let’s start with walking. There will be no walks on wednesday, I have a million errands that day. But other then that, it’s looking good for walks! I will aim for an hour long walk each day,…

  • conflicted…


    That’s how I feel today. I ate way, way too much today. But, I only ate once… So did I overeat? Or… I had 3 portions of my favourite food, Karlssons frestelse (basically potatoes, minced meat and cream thrown in the oven). It’s so friggin GOOD! It’s not often at…

  • I can really do this!?

    I can really do this!?

    Only the smallest bit of chocolate! I’m on a roll!! Since today is saturday and I’m very much swedish, this is the day you treat yourself to something sweet! I went with a piece of chocolate. It was 43g only, so yes, it actually was a small piece 🙂 Before…

  • braindump of weight related stuff… I guess?

    braindump of weight related stuff… I guess?

    Weightloss? Walking? Eating and drinking? Calories? ADHD? I’m not sure what to write about today. I’ve done a great job today too. I didn’t over eat, I didn’t drink a bunch of extra calories, I went for a walk. The walking thing is what gets me. I used to walk…

  • using my brain

    using my brain

    Losing weight is easy. So how can it be hard at the same time? Is it my fear of failing that is keeping me back? I did great today. I did everything just as I planned to. So why can’t I feel good about it? About myself? “What if I…

  • happy mind, happy body?

    So how do I truly feel about me, myself and my weight? Oh, that was a harder question than I thought… At this point, I can at least say that I do love myself. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t care about taking care of myself. Now, don’t get me wrong,…

  • journal your weight loss

    journal your weight loss

    That’s the tip I got today. If you know me, you know that I have been trying to lose weight for a long time now. 20 years to be exact! I did lose weight once, 10 years ago, then stuff happened and I gained more weight than I lost. So…